martes, 25 de junio de 2013

What is Mad Hatter wearing?


 What is Mad Hatter wearing?
Write five sentences about his clothes.
You can do it!!

Wild animals

Do you want to know how wild animals are called?
Watch the video and learn!!

Where is it?

Learn the prepositions in English. They are really fun!!
Let's go!!

How To greet in English!!

Do you know how to greet in English??

Click on the photo, please!!

Come on!!

Repasando gramática

Do you want to play while learning? 
Click on the photo and enjoy!!
Quieres aprender mientras juegas? Pincha en la foto y diviértete!!


Pumpkin feels lonely..!!

Do you know what happens?

Pumpkin se siente solo...!!

Quieres saber qué pasa?

Pincha en la foto y veras..!!

My monster is....

Vaya monstruitos que han dibujado estos chic@s...!!!Aquí os dejo unas fotografías de los alumnos de 4ºEP.

Cada uno lo ha hecho de diferente manera...mirad...!!!

I can....

Let´s see how many "I can..." you can hear. Listen to the video and write them down...!! Come on, you can!!

4th year-Clothes

New vocabulary for 4th year...Have fun!!
Click on the photo!!

My family

How many members are there in your family?
What are their names?
Watch the video and write...!!!

Homework-4th year Primary School

After watching the video,please answer to these questions: -Which is your favourite place of your house? "My favourite place of my house is...." -What are you doing in this place? "I am ___ing......."

Welcome to my Blog!!

A partir de este  momento comienza a andar el BLOG de PRIMARIA DE INGLÉS.
En este espacio, junto con la web del colegio, os informaremos de las distintas actividades que se vayan realizando en la etapa de primaria  en inglés.